If you are a family member you can use this form to apply for an account which will let you sign in both here and also on the genealogy section of the site.

After submitting the form, and once it has been checked, you will get an email with instructions - this may take a day or two.
Full name (or a recognisable abbreviated version), username, password, postcode and your date of birth are all required fields. Add other information as you wish.
You can have any silly username you like - but it is sometimes visible to others so it does help if it is sort of identifiable as you !
Passwords have to be at least 6 chracters long and include at least one capital letter, one lower case letter, one digit, and one non-alphabetic symbol. The are encrypted from the time they leave your computer so I can't read them even if I wanted to.

If we haven't met or communicated before then but a note in the "about me" box to explain who you are (I will delete that bit before publishing it)

User Registration
User Profile
The date of birth entered should use the format Year-Month-Day, ie 0000-00-00